Python Programming from Scratch with My SQL Database

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Python Programming from Scratch with My SQL Database

Educational accomplishments and income are closely correlated. Education and skill with endorsed certificates from credible and renowned authorities typically lead to better jobs with attractive salaries. Educated and skilled workers also have lower rates of unemployment. Therefore, skills and endorsed certificates to showcase are essential for people early in their careers.

Imperial Academy offers this premium Python Programming from Scratch with My SQL Database course to ensure security in your career. In addition, this comprehensive Python Programming from Scratch with My SQL Database course will assist you in building relevant skills that will help you find a job in the related sectors. Also, the Certificate you’ll get after completing the Python Programming from Scratch with My SQL Database will put your head and shoulder above others in front of potential employers.

Become the person who would attract the results you seek. What you plant now, you will harvest later. So, grab this opportunity and start learning Python Programming from Scratch with My SQL Database!

Learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home, as the rich learning materials of this premium course is accessible from any place at any time. The advanced course curriculums are divided into tiny bite-sized audio-visual modules by industry specialists with years of experience behind them.

Course Curriculum

Section 01: Getting Started
Introduction 00:03:00
How to Get Course requirements 00:02:00
Getting Started on Windows, Linux or Mac 00:02:00
How to ask a Great Questions 00:01:00
FAQ’s 00:01:00
Section 02: HTML
Introduction HTML 00:05:00
Choosing Code Editor 00:06:00
Installing Code Editor (Sublime Text) 00:04:00
Overview of a Webpage 00:05:00
Structure of a Full HTML Webpage 00:07:00
First Hello World! Webpage 00:09:00
Section 03: HTML Basic
Heading tags 00:09:00
Paragraph 00:08:00
Formatting Text 00:12:00
List Items Unordered 00:05:00
List Items Ordered 00:04:00
Classes 00:09:00
IDs 00:06:00
Comments 00:04:00
Section 04: HTML Intermediate
Images 00:12:00
Forms 00:05:00
Marquee 00:06:00
Text area 00:06:00
Tables 00:06:00
Links 00:07:00
Navbar – Menu 00:04:00
HTML Entities 00:05:00
Div tag 00:06:00
Google Maps 00:07:00
Section 05: HTML Advanced
HTML Audio 00:07:00
HTML Video 00:05:00
Canvas 00:06:00
Iframes 00:05:00
Input Types 00:04:00
Input Attributes 00:06:00
Registration Form 00:04:00
Contact Us Form 00:10:00
Coding Exercise 00:01:00
Solution for Coding Exercise 00:02:00
Section 06:Python Introduction
Introduction to Python 00:02:00
Python vs Other Languages 00:04:00
Why It’s Popular 00:04:00
Command Line Basics 00:07:00
Python Installation (Step By Step) 00:06:00
PyCharm IDE Installation 00:08:00
Getting Start PyCharm IDE 00:05:00
First Python Hello World Program 00:07:00
Section 07: Python Basic
Variables 00:16:00
Data Types 00:13:00
Type Casting 00:07:00
User Inputs 00:08:00
Comments 00:04:00
Section 08: Python Strings
Strings 00:05:00
String Indexing 00:05:00
String Slicing 00:04:00
String Built-in Functions 00:09:00
Formatting String (Dynamic Data) 00:05:00
Section 09: Python Operators
Arithmetic Operators 00:08:00
Assignment Operators 00:05:00
Comparison Operators 00:05:00
Logical Operators 00:02:00
AND Operator 00:04:00
OR Operator 00:02:00
NOT Operator 00:03:00
Booleans 00:02:00
Section 10: Python Data Structures
Arrays in Earler 00:02:00
Lists 00:06:00
Add List Items 00:03:00
Remove List Items 00:01:00
Sort Lists 00:03:00
Join Lists 00:08:00
Tuples 00:08:00
Update tuples 00:07:00
Join tuples 00:02:00
Dictionaries 00:06:00
Add Dictionary Items 00:04:00
Remove Dictionary Items 00:03:00
Nested Disctionaries 00:04:00
Sets 00:04:00
Add Set Items 00:03:00
Remove Set Items 00:01:00
Join Set Items 00:04:00
Section 11: Python Conditional Statements
If Statement 00:03:00
If-else Statement 00:04:00
If-elif-else Statement 00:04:00
If Statement Coding Excercise 00:05:00
Section 12: Python Control Flow Statements
Flow Charts 00:06:00
While Loops Statement 00:10:00
For Loops Statement 00:07:00
The range() Function 00:04:00
Nested Loops 00:04:00
2D List using Nested Loop 00:04:00
Section 13: Python Core Games
Guessing Game 00:07:00
Car Game 00:10:00
Section 14: Python Functions
Creating a Function 00:03:00
Calling a Function 00:06:00
Function with Arguments 00:05:00
Section 15: Python args, KW args for Data Science
args, Arbitary Arguments 00:04:00
kwargs, Arbitary Keyword Arguments 00:06:00
Section 16: Python Project
Project Overview 00:04:00
ATM RealTime Project 00:13:00
Section 17: MYSQL Introduction
Overview of Databases 00:10:00
MySQL Installation 00:16:00
MySQL Workbench Installation 00:09:00
Connecting to MySQL using Console 00:09:00
Section 18: MySQL Basic
Overview of Challenges 00:04:00
SQL Statement Basic 00:16:00
SELECT Statement 00:09:00
Column AS Statement 00:12:00
COUNT function 00:11:00
Section 19: MySQL Filtering Data
SELECT WHERE Clause – One 00:06:00
SELECT WHERE Clause – Two 00:11:00
ORDER BY 00:08:00
LIMIT 00:09:00
BETWEEN 00:11:00
IN Operator 00:11:00
LIKE and ILIKE 00:11:00
Section 20: MySQL Functions
Overview of GROUP BY 00:06:00
Aggregation function SUM() 00:09:00
Aggregation MIN() and MAX() 00:06:00
GROUP BY – One 00:09:00
GROUP BY – Two 00:12:00
HAVING Clause 00:05:00
Section 21: MySQL Joins
Overview Assessment 00:02:00
Overview of JOINS 00:04:00
Introduction to JOINS 00:04:00
AS Statement table 00:03:00
INNER JOIN 00:19:00
FULL Outer Join 00:11:00
RIGHT JOIN 00:08:00
Union 00:07:00
Section 22: MySQL Advanced Commands
Advanced SQL Commands 00:04:00
Timestamps 00:12:00
EXTRACT from timestamp 00:10:00
Mathematical Functions 00:12:00
String Functions 00:22:00
SUBQUERY 00:13:00
Section 23: MySQL Structure Creation
Database and Tables 00:06:00
DataTypes 00:11:00
Primarykey and Foreignkey 00:06:00
Create Table in SQL Script 00:13:00
Section 24: MySQL Data Queries
Insert 00:11:00
Update 00:07:00
Delete 00:04:00
Section 25: MySQL Structure Queries
Alter Table 00:10:00
Drop Table 00:05:00
Section 26: MySQL Constraints
NOT NULL Constraint 00:08:00
UNIQUE Constraint 00:09:00
Section 27: MySQL Backup and Restore
Overview of Databases and Tables 00:05:00
Backup database using phpMyAdmin 00:12:00
Restoring a Database 00:07:00

Certificate of Achievement

Learners will get an certificate of achievement directly at their doorstep after successfully completing the course!

It should also be noted that international students must pay £10 for shipping cost.

CPD Accredited Certification

Upon successfully completing the course, you will be qualified for CPD Accredited Certificate. Certification is available –

Course Info

1 Enrolled
  • Development
  • IT & Software
  • £30
  • 1 year
  • Number of Units152
  • Number of Quizzes0
  • 16 hours, 44 minutes