About This Course
Course Curriculum
Who is this course for?00:02:00
What will you learn from this course?00:05:00
Tools needed00:01:00
Course Prerequisites00:04:00
Section Overview – Export AutoCAD Objects to Excel00:02:00
Exporting Lines to Excel – Overview00:02:00
Creating the VB.NET-Excel Project00:06:00
Design of User Interface to Export Lines00:10:00
Creating the Common Utility Class00:19:00
Creating the ExportLines Method00:12:00
Running and Testing ExportLines Method00:06:00
Exporting MTexts to Excel – Overview00:02:00
Creating the ExportMTexts Method00:11:00
Export Polylines to Excel – Overview00:01:00
Creating the ExportPolylines Method00:12:00
Running and Testing ExportPoylines Method00:12:00
Export Blocks (Without Attributes) to Excel – Overview00:01:00
Creating the ExportBlocks Method00:12:00
Creating Export Blocks UI and Running the Code00:06:00
Exporting Blocks (With Attributes) to Excel – Overview00:02:00
Creating the User Interface for exporting Blocks to Excel00:05:00
Creation of BlocksForm UI00:04:00
Coding the BlocksForm Load Event00:08:00
Testing the BlocksForm UI00:03:00
Coding the BlocksForm to populate the Listboxes00:15:00
Coding the BlocksForm Export Button00:04:00
Coding the ExportBlocksWithAttributes Method00:21:00
Running and Testing ExportBlocksWithAttributes Method00:02:00
Section Overview – Import Excel File into AutoCAD00:01:00
Importing Lines from Excel File into AutoCAD – Overview00:01:00
Creating ImportExcelUtil Class00:02:00
Creating the ImportLines Method00:19:00
Creating the UI for the ImportLines Method00:02:00
Coding the ImportLines UI code behind.00:07:00
Running and Testing ImportLines Method00:08:00
Importing MTexts into AutoCAD – Overview00:01:00
Creating the ImportMTexts Method00:11:00
Creating ImportMTexts User Interface00:02:00
Running and Testing ImportMTexts Method00:02:00
Importing Polylines from Excel File into AutoCAD – Overview00:01:00
Creating the ImportPolylines Method00:14:00
Creating ImportPolylines User Interface00:02:00
Running and Testing ImportPolylines Method00:03:00
Importing Blocks (without Attributes) from Excel File into AutoCAD – Overview00:01:00
Creating the ImportBlocks Method00:09:00
Creating the ImportBlocks User Interface00:02:00
Running and Testing ImportBlocks Method00:03:00
Importing Blocks (with Attirubtes) from Excel File into AutoCAD – Overview00:02:00
Creating the ImportBlocksWithAttributes Method00:25:00
Creating the UI for ImportBlocksWithAttributes Method00:04:00
Running and Testing ImportBlocksWithAttributes Method00:03:00
Exporting Lines to a File – Overview00:02:00
Creating the ExportToFile Utility Class00:04:00
Creating ExportLinesToFile Method00:14:00
Creating the UI for ExportLinesToFile Method00:08:00
Running and Testing ExportLinesToFile Method00:02:00
Exporting MTexts to File – Overview00:01:00
Creating the MTextToFile Method00:06:00
Creating the UI for the ExportMTextToFile Method00:01:00
Running and Testing ExportMTextToFile Method.00:08:00
Exporting Polylines to File – Overview00:02:00
Creating ExportPolylinesToFile Method00:11:00
Exporting Polylines to File – User Interface00:01:00
Running and Testing ExportPolylinesToFile Method00:02:00
Exporting Blocks (without Attributes) to File – Overview00:02:00
Creating the ExportBlocksToFile Method00:10:00
Creating ExportBlocksToFile User Interface00:02:00
Running and Testing ExportBlocksToFile Method00:02:00
Exporting Blocks (With Attributes) to a File – Overview00:02:00
Creating the EXportBlocksWithAttributesToFile Method00:19:00
Creating the UI for ExportBlocksWithAttributesToFile Method00:06:00
Coding the BlocksForm for ExportBlocksWithAttributeToFile Method00:04:00
Running and Testing ExportBlocksWithAttributesToFile Method00:03:00
Importing Text File into AutoCAD – Overview00:01:00
Importing Lines from a Text File into AutoCAD – Overview00:02:00
Creating the ImportFileUtil Class00:01:00
Creating the ImportLinesMethod00:17:00
Creation of ImportLines User Interface00:03:00
Coding the ImportLines UI button00:05:00
Running and Testing the ImportLines Method00:04:00
Importing MTexts from Text File into AutoCAD – Overview00:02:00
Creating the ImportMTexts Method00:09:00
Creating the TextStyle Manipulation Code00:02:00
Creating the UI for the ImportMTexts Method00:01:00
Running and Testing the ImportMTexts Method00:04:00
Importing Polylines from a Text File into AutoCAD – Overview00:02:00
Creating the ImportPolylines Method00:18:00
Creating the ImportPolylines UI00:02:00
Running and Testing ImportPolylines (from a File) Method00:02:00
Importing BLocks (without Attributes) from a Text File into AutoCAD – Overview00:02:00
Creating the ImportBlocks (without Attributes) Method00:15:00
Creating the ImportBlocks UI00:05:00
Running and Testing ImportBlocks (without Attributes) Method00:04:00
Importing Blocks (with Attributes) from a Text File into AutoCAD – Overview00:02:00
Creating the ImportBlocksWithAttributes from a File Method00:23:00
Creating the ImportBlocksWithAttributes (from a File) UI (Part 1)00:06:00
Creating the ImportBlocksWithAttributes (from a File) UI (Part 2)00:04:00
Running and Testing ImportBlocksWithAttributes (from a File) Method00:03:00
Assignment – Programming AutoCAD to Excel using VB.NET07:40:00