About This Course
Course Curriculum
Introduction of PHP00:09:00
Installation of XAMPP SERVER00:07:00
PHP Syntax00:05:00
Source Codes
Data Types00:09:00
Constant variables00:06:00
Arithmetic Operator00:08:00
Assignment Operator00:05:00
Logical Operators00:08:00
If statement00:07:00
If else if statement00:06:00
While Loop00:06:00
Do while Loop00:04:00
For Loop00:04:00
Types of Strings00:08:00
Arrays method00:02:00
Count and sizeoff array00:04:00
If else with arrays00:03:00
Search array00:03:00
Slice and splice00:03:00
Array fill and array fill key00:03:00
Printing Methods00:03:00
Form Validation with GET method00:05:00
POST method00:03:00
Input Radios00:03:00
MySQL table structure database00:03:00
Config. File00:03:00
Update and Delete Query00:04:00
Form UI00:04:00
Establish form connection with DB00:03:00
Submitting Form in DB00:06:00
Users Data00:08:00
Updating users00:15:00