Mastering SQL Programming

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Mastering SQL Programming

See the Curriculum Section for materials and enjoy learning with Imperial Academy.

Course Curriculum

Unit 01: Introduction
Introduction 00:01:00
Tools Used in This Course 00:01:00
Unit 02: Setting up Course Tools
Download PostgreSQL 00:02:00
Install PostgreSQL 00:03:00
Download SQLectron 00:02:00
Install SQLectron 00:01:00
Connect to PostgreSQL – Credentials 00:01:00
Connect to PostgreSQL Using SQLectron 00:02:00
Import Course Data Using SQLectron 00:02:00
FOR WINDOWS 32-BIT USERS: Download, Install, Configure & Import Data 00:08:00
Unit 03: Browsing & Filtering Data
Check Imported Data 00:06:00
What is a Database? 00:01:00
SQL Data Types 00:02:00
Finally Some Fun! Extracting Data Based on Requirements 00:01:00
Filtering Data using WHERE Keyword 00:08:00
Filter Data by Range Using BETWEEN 00:03:00
Filter Data by Set of Values Using IN 00:03:00
Filter Data by Date 00:05:00
More Filtering by Date 00:03:00
Another Query Filtering by Date 00:01:00
Filter Data by Strings 00:04:00
More Filtering by Strings 00:05:00
More Filtering by Strings 2 00:10:00
More Filtering by Strings 3 00:02:00
How to Ignore Caps when Filtering by String 00:04:00
Unit 04: Filter Data with AND, OR, NOT Operators
AND Operator 00:10:00
OR Operator 00:12:00
NOT Operator 00:09:00
AND, OR & NOT Operators: Which Has the Highest Priority? 00:06:00
Unit 05: Math Operations
Basic Math Operations 00:06:00
Modulo Operator 00:04:00
Calculate The Net Salary for Employees 00:06:00
Filter Data with Math Equations 00:03:00
Unit 06: String Concatenation
Concatenate Strings with ‘||’ Operator 00:06:00
Concatenate Strings with Numbers 00:02:00
Unit 07: Tidy Up Your Results: Sorting, Alias Names, Limit Records
Give Your Report Fields A Cool Name 00:04:00
A Report for Payroll 00:07:00
Order Records by Column 00:06:00
Order Records by Multiple Columns 00:12:00
How Alias Names Cannot Be Used with WHERE 00:02:00
LIMIT Record Count Fetched by Your Query 00:08:00
Unit 08: NULL, DISTINCT & CASE Statements
Fetch A Field’s Unique Values Using DISTINCT 00:03:00
Using DISTINCT Keyword with Multiple Columns 00:06:00
What is a NULL Value Anyway? 00:05:00
Build More Sophisticated Queries with CASE Statements 00:10:00
Your Knowledge So Far Under A Great Test 00:09:00
Unit 09: Functions in SQL: Multiple-Row Functions
Let Me Introduce You to Functions 00:04:00
SUM Function 00:04:00
AVG (Average) Function 00:04:00
COUNT Function 00:07:00
MIN & MAX Functions 00:04:00
How To Count Your Field’s Unique Values 00:04:00
GROUP BY Clause: Use Functions with Dimensions 00:06:00
GROUP BY More Than One Dimension 00:05:00
Now For Some Tough Workout 00:09:00
Filter By Aggregate Functions with HAVING Clause 00:08:00
Unit 10: Functions in SQL: Single-Row Functions
Character Functions – UPPER, LOWER & INITCAP 00:08:00
Character Functions – CONCAT & LENGTH 00:10:00
Character Functions – LPAD & RPAD 00:13:00
Character Functions – TRIM 00:04:00
Character Functions – REPLACE 00:09:00
Character Functions – SUBSTR 00:10:00
Number Functions – MOD & ROUND 00:11:00
Number Functions – TRUNC 00:07:00
Unit 11: Nested Queries
Selectception: A Select Query inside another Select Query! 00:06:00
Unit 12: Casting & Data Conversion
Auto Data Conversion in SQL 00:11:00
Cast Date to Character 00:10:00
Cast Number to Character 00:09:00
Cast Timestamp to Character 00:07:00
Cast Character to Number 00:08:00
Cast Character to Date & Timestamp 00:09:00
Unit 13: Combination Relationships
UNION 00:03:00
UNION ALL 00:02:00
Important Note about Combining Queries 00:02:00
INTERSECT 00:01:00
EXCEPT 00:01:00
Unit 14: Joins in SQL
Employees & Departments Tables Revised 00:03:00
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 00:09:00
Cartesian Join 00:09:00
Table Aliases with Joins 00:07:00
Why I Don’t Recommend Cartesian Joins 00:08:00
Inner Join 00:06:00
In-Depth Look into Join Types in SQL 00:03:00
Outer Join – Right, Left & Full 00:08:00
Unit 15: Data Manipulation (DML)
INSERT a New Record to a Table 00:09:00
Insert Without Specifying Column Names 00:09:00
UPDATE a Record’s Field Values 00:07:00
CAUTION! How an UPDATE Query Can Go Wrong 00:04:00
Update a Record Using Single-Row Functions 00:04:00
A Good Exercise: Extract Employee’s Email Address 00:02:00
Solution: Extract Employee’s Email Address 00:13:00
DELETE a Table’s Record 00:06:00
Insert Records with Nested Select Queries 00:06:00
Unit 16: SQL Data Definition Language (DDL)
SQL Data Types Revised 00:13:00
Bookstore Data Set: Let’s Move It to Database 00:04:00
Create Your First Table! 00:08:00
Insert Data to Your New Table 00:08:00
Change Column Data Type 00:07:00
Rename Column 00:04:00
Add a New Column to Table 00:04:00
Constraints in SQL 00:01:00
Primary Keys 00:14:00
NOT NULL Constraint 00:05:00
UNIQUE Constraint 00:04:00
DEFAULT Constraint 00:04:00
Foreign Keys 00:08:00
Use Foreign Keys with Joins – Books & Publishers 00:06:00
Foreign Keys – Properties 00:06:00
Drop Column 00:01:00
DROP Table 00:01:00
Create a New Table with Select Statement 00:05:00
A Trick to Create an Empty Table with Select Statement 00:03:00
Insert New Records Using Select Statement 00:06:00
Views 00:03:00
Schemas 00:02:00
Create & Use Schemas 00:04:00
Assignment -Mastering SQL Programming 00:00:00

Certificate of Achievement

Learners will get an certificate of achievement directly at their doorstep after successfully completing the course!

It should also be noted that international students must pay £10 for shipping cost.

CPD Accredited Certification

Upon successfully completing the course, you will be qualified for CPD Accredited Certificate. Certification is available –

Course Info

4 Enrolled
  • IT & Software
  • Personal Development
  • 1 year
  • Number of Units117
  • Number of Quizzes0
  • 10 hours, 47 minutes