About This Course
Course Curriculum
Module 01: Introduction – About this course00:03:00
Module 02: Getting Started00:04:00
Module 03: Minimum Program Requirements00:07:00
Module 04: Rating System Selection00:07:00
Module 01: Overview00:01:00
Module 02: Alternative Transportation Credit – Requirements00:06:00
Module 03: Alternative Transportation Credit – Survey00:06:00
Module 04: Alternative Transportation Credit – Calculations00:08:00
Module 01: Overview00:02:00
Module 02: Site Management Policy00:06:00
Module 03: Site Development—Protect or Restore Habitat00:03:00
Module 04: Rainwater Management00:03:00
Module 05: Heat Island Reduction00:06:00
Module 06: Light Pollution Reduction00:03:00
Module 07: Site Management00:04:00
Module 08: Site Improvement Plan00:02:00
Module 09: Joint Use of Facilities00:03:00
Module 01: Overview00:01:00
Module 02: Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction00:07:00
Module 03: Building-Level Water Metering00:02:00
Module 04: Outdoor Water Use Reduction00:04:00
Module 05: Indoor Water Use Reduction00:03:00
Module 06: Cooling Tower Water Use00:04:00
Module 07: Water Metering00:03:00
Module 01: Overview00:02:00
Module 02: Prerequisite Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices00:05:00
Module 03: Minimum Energy Performance00:04:00
Module 04: Building-Level Energy Metering00:02:00
Module 05: Fundamental Refrigerant Management.00:04:00
Module 06: Existing Building Commissioning—Analysis00:05:00
Module 07: Existing Building Commissioning—Implementation00:02:00
Module 08: Ongoing Commissioning00:04:00
Module 09: Optimize Energy Performance00:04:00
Module 10: Advanced Energy Metering00:03:00
Module 11: Demand Response00:05:00
Module 12: Renewable Energy and Carbon Offsets00:03:00
Module 13: Enhanced Refrigerant Management00:05:00
Module 01: Overview00:02:00
Module 02: Facility Maintenance and Renovation Policy00:04:00
Module 03: Ongoing Purchasing and Waste Policy00:06:00
Module 04: Purchasing—Ongoing00:04:00
Module 05: Purchasing—Lamps00:02:00
Module 06: Purchasing—Facility Maintenance and Renovation00:04:00
Module 07: Solid Waste Management—Ongoing00:03:00
Module 08: Solid Waste Management—Facility Maintenance and Renovation00:02:00
Module 01: Overview00:01:00
Module 02: Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance00:05:00
Module 03: Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control00:04:00
Module 04: Green Cleaning Policy00:04:00
Module 05: Indoor Air Quality Management Program00:03:00
Module 06: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies00:06:00
Module 07: Thermal Comfort00:04:00
Module 08: Interior Lighting00:06:00
Module 09: Daylight and Quality Views00:05:00
Module 10: Green Cleaning—Custodial Effectiveness Assessment00:02:00
Module 11: Green Cleaning—Products and Materials00:05:00
Module 12: Green Cleaning—Equipment00:04:00
Module 13: Integrated Pest Management00:03:00
Module 14: Occupant Comfort Survey00:04:00
Module 01: Innovation Credit00:03:00
Module 02: LEED Accredited Professional00:01:00
Module 01: Regional Priority Overview00:01:00
Module 02: Credit Regional Priority00:02:00
Module 01: Completion00:01:00
Assignment – LEED Operation and Management