About This Course
Course Curriculum
Prerequisites for this course
00:02:00 -
What we build in this course
00:01:00 -
What this course is NOT about
Installation of Docker
00:02:00 -
Installation of the Azure CLI
00:01:00 -
Installation of Visual Studio Code
Create a Microsoft Azure Account
00:03:00 -
Subscription & the Azure Hierarchy
00:03:00 -
Create a Resource Group
Create an Azure Cognitive Search Service
00:03:00 -
Set up venv, Jupyter Notebook kernel, and environment variables
00:07:00 -
How to Create an Index and Insert Data in ACS using the Python SDK
00:05:00 -
LangChain & ACS
Understanding and Implementing Blob Storage: Theory and Setup on Azure
00:06:00 -
Blob Storage with the Azure Python SDK: Uploading, Deleting, and Managing Data
Setup PgVector with Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server
00:05:00 -
Indexing API with PgVector
00:11:00 -
Indexing API in combination with Blob Storage
Setup of Services with docker-compose
00:08:00 -
Frontend Code Walkthrough – HTTP Methods, Dockerfile, Proxy Setup
00:06:00 -
Backend Code Walkthrough
Azure Container Registry Setup
00:02:00 -
Build Docker Images and Push Images in Registry
Azure App Services Intro & Frontend Deployment
00:06:00 -
Prepare Backend for Deployment
00:09:00 -
Uploadservice Deployment & Entering of missing env variables
BlobTrigger, Functions & EventGrid – Concepts and Synergy
00:02:00 -
Azure Function App setup
00:02:00 -
Creation & Deployment of simple function
00:06:00 -
Create Blob Trigger – Create an Event Subscription to the Event Grid
00:04:00 -
Code Walkthrough & Redeployment
Restrict access to backend with IP Restriction Rules
00:09:00 -
Add Firewall Rules to PostgreSQL (PgVector)