About This Course
Course Curriculum
Getting started on Windows, macOS or Linux00:02:00
Introduction-Setting up Local Development00:04:00
Popular IDEs for Coding00:03:00
Java Installation (step by step)00:10:00
Java path setting (environment variables)00:10:00
IntelliJ IDEA Installation00:10:00
Getting start IntelliJ IDEA00:08:00
First Java Hello World program00:15:00
Introduction-Java Methods00:02:00
Create a method00:12:00
Call a method00:10:00
Method with parameter00:14:00
Method with multiple parameters00:07:00
Applying return keyword00:10:00
Using a method on decisions00:10:00
Method overloading00:13:00
Variable scope00:06:00
Method recursion00:04:00
Assessment Test100:02:00
Solution for Assessment Test100:04:00
Introduction-Java Collections ArrayList00:02:00
Creating ArrayList00:07:00
Add items to ArrayList00:05:00
Access an item in ArrayList00:06:00
Change an item in ArrayList00:05:00
Remove or clear an items in ArrayList00:04:00
Finding ArrayList Size00:02:00
Loop through an ArrayList00:07:00
Sorting an ArrayList00:09:00
Introduction-Java LinkedList00:02:00
ArrayList vs LinkedList00:05:00
Creating LinkedList00:05:00
LinkedList methods( addFirst(), addLast() )00:04:00
LinkedList methods( removeFirst(), removeLast() )00:02:00
LinkedList methods( getFirst(), getLast() )00:04:00
Introduction-Java HashMap00:01:00
Create a HashMap00:05:00
Add items00:02:00
Access an item00:03:00
Remove an item00:03:00
Find HashMap size00:02:00
Loop through a HashMap00:06:00
Assessment Test200:01:00
Solution for Assessment Test200:04:00
Introduction-Java HashSet00:02:00
Create a HashSet00:03:00
Add items00:02:00
Check items00:03:00
Remove an item00:03:00
Find HashSet size00:01:00
Loop through a HashSet00:02:00
Introduction-Java Collections00:01:00
Creating an iterator00:08:00
Loop through a collection00:04:00
Removing items from collection00:04:00
Introduction-Java File Handling00:02:00
File handling00:07:00
Creating a new file00:11:00
Writing a file00:07:00
Read a file00:11:00
Getting a file information00:08:00
Delete a file00:03:00
Delete a directory00:05:00
try and catch block coding00:10:00
finally block statement00:02:00
throw keyword (error handling)00:15:00
What is a Regular Expression00:05:00
Matcher-pattern program – Real world00:08:00
Number validation program – Real world00:09:00
String Validation program – Real world00:06:00
Using thread class program00:05:00
Using Runnable interface program00:04:00
Concurrency scenarios00:06:00
Prevent concurrency problems00:04:00
Create Lambda Expressions00:03:00
Lambda Expression – ArrayList00:05:00
Lambda Expression – Consumer interface00:04:00
Project overview00:02:00
User Class and methods creation00:05:00
User Choice options00:07:00
User Registration method00:03:00
User Login method00:03:00
Authentication System real time project00:09:00