About This Course
Course Curriculum
Getting started on Windows, macOS or Linux00:01:00
Introduction-Setting up Local Development00:04:00
Java Future00:06:00
Why its Popular in Coding00:04:00
Popular IDEs for Coding00:03:00
Java Installation (step by step)00:10:00
Java path setting (environment variables)00:10:00
IntelliJ IDEA Installation00:09:00
Getting start IntelliJ IDEA00:08:00
First Java Hello World program00:15:00
Java output – print from code00:06:00
Java comments00:05:00
Introduction-Java Basic00:02:00
General rules for creating variables00:12:00
Writing multiple variables00:06:00
Data types00:06:00
Data types – Numbers00:05:00
Data types – Booleans00:02:00
Data types – Characters00:04:00
Primitive vs. Non-primitive00:02:00
Type casting00:10:00
User input00:09:00
Assessment Test100:01:00
Solution for Assessment Test100:02:00
Introduction-Java Operators00:02:00
Arithmetic operators00:12:00
Increment – decrement operators00:08:00
Assignment operators00:05:00
Comparison operators00:08:00
What are Logical00:05:00
AND operator00:05:00
OR operator00:04:00
NOT operator00:04:00
Introduction-Java Strings00:03:00
Strings built-in methods00:12:00
String indexing00:05:00
String concatenation00:05:00
String with numbers00:05:00
String special characters00:07:00
Basic math built-in functions00:08:00
Random number generation00:06:00
Display Current Date Time00:09:00
Formatting Date and Time00:09:00
Introduction-Java Decision Making Statements00:03:00
If statement00:04:00
If-else statement00:05:00
If-else if statement00:04:00
Ternary operator00:05:00
Switch-case program00:09:00
Assessment Test2 (EvenOdd Program)00:01:00
Solution for Assessment Test200:02:00
Introduction-Java Control Flow Statements00:04:00
Flow Charts00:03:00
While loop statement00:10:00
Do-while loop statement00:04:00
For loop statement00:07:00
Nested loops00:08:00
For-each loop statement00:05:00
Applying break00:02:00
Applying continue00:03:00
Introduction-Java Arrays00:01:00
Access elements of an array00:05:00
Change an array element00:03:00
Find an array length00:03:00
Loop through an array with for-each00:02:00
Multidimensional arrays00:04:00
Creating a Method00:06:00
Calling a Method00:04:00
Project overview00:02:00
ATM Project Creation (creation and main method)00:06:00
ATM key selection program (switch-case program)00:09:00
ATM display choices functionality00:03:00
ATM checkbalance functionality00:01:00
ATM deposit functionality00:03:00
ATM withdraw functionality00:06:00
Project Functionality test00:03:00