Intermediate Python

4.7( 1 REVIEWS )
Diploma in Python Programming

Educational accomplishments and income are closely correlated. Education and skill with endorsed certificates from credible and renowned authorities typically lead to better jobs with attractive salaries. Educated and skilled workers also have lower rates of unemployment. Therefore, skills and endorsed certificates to showcase are essential for people early in their careers.

Imperial Academy offers this premium Intermediate Python course to ensure security in your career. In addition, this comprehensive Intermediate Python course will assist you in building relevant skills that will help you find a job in the related sectors. Also, the Certificate you’ll get after completing the Intermediate Python will put your head and shoulder above others in front of potential employers.

Become the person who would attract the results you seek. What you plant now, you will harvest later. So, grab this opportunity and start learning Intermediate Python!

Learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home, as the rich learning materials of this premium course is accessible from any place at any time. The advanced course curriculums are divided into tiny bite-sized audio-visual modules by industry specialists with years of experience behind them.

Course Curriculum

Module 01: Python basic recap
Variables and data types 00:11:00
Data structures 00:11:00
Set methods(add, copy, union, intersection, difference etc) 00:08:00
Dict methods(keys, values, items, get, setDefault etc) 00:05:00
Complex structures(list of lists, list of dicts, dict of lists etc) 00:05:00
Conditional statements 00:06:00
Loops in python 00:08:00
Functions in python 00:05:00
Exercise (m1) 00:06:00
Module 02: Deep dive into Loops
Iterating through list,dictionaries, set 00:11:00
Zip and enumerate 00:13:00
List comprehension 00:09:00
Nested loops 00:07:00
Big O notation and space-time trade-off 00:16:00
Exercise (m2) 00:08:00
Module 03: Deep dive into functions
Scope in python (local scope, global scope) 00:10:00
Passing multiple arguments(*args, **kwargs) 00:09:00
Returning multiple values 00:08:00
Lambda functions 00:05:00
Map, apply, filter,reduce 00:08:00
Callbacks 00:05:00
Nested functions 00:05:00
Recursion 00:07:00
Exercise (m3) 00:10:00
Module 04: OOP concepts
What is Class 00:12:00
Creating an empty Class in Python 00:06:00
Creating an object 00:09:00
Creating a class and object with class and instance attributes 00:08:00
Attributes and methods 00:08:00
Creating modules and importing them 00:08:00
Exercise (m4) 00:17:00
Module 05: Built-in modules
Math module(pi, sqrt, pow, exp, log, Trigonometric functions) 00:08:00
Re module(findall, search, split, sub) 00:10:00
OS module(mkdir, chdir, getcwd,rmdir,listdir) 00:10:00
Random(choice, shuffle, random, randint,randrange) 00:06:00
Time module(time, sleep, localtime, ctime,asctime) 00:06:00
Collections module(namedtuple,OrderedDict,deque) 00:09:00
Itertools module(chain.from_iterable, combinations,combinations_with_replacement,permutations) 00:06:00
Exercise (m5) 00:18:00
Module 06: File and Exception Handling
Reading from a file 00:11:00
Writing to a file 00:07:00
Common exceptions 00:06:00
ZerodivisionError 00:06:00
FileNotFoundError 00:04:00
TypeError 00:05:00
IndexingError 00:04:00
Exercise (m6) 00:05:00
Module 07: Using python packages(Numpy)
Packages vs modules 00:10:00
Installing a python package 00:06:00
Using the objects of the package 00:14:00
Intro to numpy 00:07:00
Creating arrays using numpy 00:08:00
Exercise (m7) 00:07:00
Capstone Project:
Creating a tic-tac-toe app in notebook (topics: conditions, loops, OOP) 01:00:00

Certificate of Achievement

Learners will get an certificate of achievement directly at their doorstep after successfully completing the course!

It should also be noted that international students must pay £10 for shipping cost.

CPD Accredited Certification

Upon successfully completing the course, you will be qualified for CPD Accredited Certificate. Certification is available –

Course Info

1 Enrolled
  • Development
  • IT & Software
  • £30
  • 1 year
  • Number of Units54
  • Number of Quizzes0
  • 8 hours, 17 minutes