About This Course
Course Curriculum
Face Recognition & Detection in Flutter00:03:00
How Face Recognition is Performed in Flutter00:08:00
Creating a new Flutter Project and Creating Application GUI00:11:00
Adding Libraries and setting configurations for Android & IOS in Flutter00:07:00
Choosing Images From Gallery In Flutter00:08:00
Capturing Images using Camera in Flutter00:03:00
Image Picker Flutter Overview00:02:00
Setup for IOS in Flutter00:04:00
Setup for Android in Flutter00:02:00
Performing Face Detection In Flutter With images00:12:00
Drawing rectangles around detected faces in Flutter00:09:00
Flutter Face Detector Painter class00:05:00
Cropping detected faces in Flutter00:10:00
Adding face recognition models & libraries in Flutter00:06:00
Passing faces to face recognition model and getting face embedding in Flutter00:06:00
Registering faces in Flutter Application00:07:00
Face Registration Dialogue in Flutter00:02:00
Performing Face Recognition in Flutter00:09:00
Drawing recognitions on screens with faces in Flutter00:10:00
Validating Recognitions in Flutter00:06:00
Loading Tensorflow lite models in Flutter00:05:00
Passing Input to the tflite models and getting the outputs in Flutter00:08:00
Creating database and loading data in Flutter00:06:00
Registering new faces in database in Flutter00:02:00
Comparing face embeddings and getting recognitions in Flutter00:05:00
Using FaceNet model in Flutter00:05:00
Creating a new Flutter project and adding libraries00:07:00
Displaying Live Camera Footage in Flutter00:09:00
Live Feed Flutter Application Demo00:01:00
Setting up the flutter project for realtime face recognition application00:03:00
What we have done so far in Flutter00:06:00
Getting frames of live camera footage in Flutter00:06:00
Switching camera directions in Flutter00:03:00
Performing face detection in Flutter with live camera footage00:05:00
Drawing rectangles around detected faces in realtime in Flutter00:06:00
Flutter Face Detector Painter00:07:00
Cropping detected faces from frames of live camera footage in Flutter00:04:00
Loading face recognition models in Flutter00:03:00
Registering faces in Realtime Face Recognition Flutter application00:05:00
Performing face recognition in Flutter with live camera footage00:08:00
Validating recognition of tflite models in Futter00:01:00
Realtime face recognition flutter application overview00:05:00