Easy to Advanced Data Structures

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Easy to Advanced Data Structures

See the Curriculum Section for materials and enjoy learning with Imperial Academy.

Course Curriculum

Unit 01: Introduction
Module 01: Promo Video 00:02:00
Module 02: Data Structure Introduction 00:05:00
Module 03: Computational Complexity Analysis 00:13:00
Unit 02: Arrays
Module 01: Static and Dynamic Arrays 00:12:00
Module 02: Dynamic Arrays Source Code 00:07:00
Unit 03: Linked List
Module 01: Singly and Doubly Linked Lists 00:15:00
Module 02: Doubly Linked Lists Source Code 00:10:00
Unit 04: Stack
Module 01: Stack 00:12:00
Module 02: Stack Implementation 00:04:00
Unit 05: Queues
Module 01: Queues (Part-1) 00:06:00
Module 02: Queues (Part-2) 00:06:00
Module 03: Queue Source Code 00:04:00
Unit 06: Priority Queues (PQs)
Module 01: Priority Queues (PQs) with an interlude on heaps 00:13:00
Module 02: Turning Min PQ into Max PQ 00:06:00
Module 03: Adding Elements to Binary Heap 00:10:00
Module 04: Removing Elements from Binary Heap 00:14:00
Module 05: Priority Queue Binary Heap Source Code 00:16:00
Unit 07: Union Find
Module 01: Disjoint Set 00:06:00
Module 02: Kruskal’s Algorithm 00:06:00
Module 03: Union and Find Operations 00:11:00
Module 04: Path Compression Union Find 00:07:00
Module 05: Union Find Source Code 00:08:00
Unit 08: Binary Search Trees
Module 01: Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees (BST) 00:13:00
Module 02: Inserting Element into a Binary Search Tree (BST) 00:06:00
Module 03: Removing Element from a Binary Search Tree (BST) 00:14:00
Module 04: Tree Traversals 00:12:00
Module 05: Binary Search Source Code 00:13:00
Unit 09: Fenwick Tree
Module 01: Fenwick Tree Construction 00:06:00
Module 02: Point Updates 00:06:00
Module 03: Binary Indexed Tree 00:14:00
Module 04: Fenwick Tree Source Code 00:06:00
Unit 10: Hash Tables
Module 01: Hash Table 00:17:00
Module 02: Separate Chaining 00:08:00
Module 03: Separate Chaining Source Code 00:12:00
Module 04: Open Addressing 00:11:00
Module 05: Linear Probing 00:14:00
Module 06: Quadratic Probing 00:09:00
Module 07: Double Hashing 00:15:00
Module 08: Removing Element Open Addressing 00:08:00
Module 09: Open Addressing Code 00:15:00
Unit 11: Suffix Array
Module 01: Introduction 00:03:00
Module 02: The Longest Common Prefix (LCP) Array 00:03:00
Module 03: Using SA/LCP Array to Find Unique Substrings 00:05:00
Module 04: Longest Common Substring (LCS) 00:11:00
Module 05: Longest Common Substring (LCS) Full Example 00:07:00
Module 06: Longest Repeated Substring (LRS) 00:05:00
Unit 12: AVL Trees
Module 01: Balanced Binary Search Trees (BBSTs) 00:09:00
Module 02: Inserting Elements into an AVL Tree 00:10:00
Module 03: Removing an AVL Tree 00:09:00
Module 04: AVL Tree Source Code 00:17:00
Unit 13: Indexed Priority Queue
Module 01: Indexed Priority Queue (Part-1) 00:25:00
Module 02: Indexed Priority Queue Source Code 00:09:00
Unit 14: Sparse Tables
Module 01: Sparse Table 00:26:00
Module 02: Sparse Table Source Code 00:07:00
Assignment – Easy to Advanced Data Structures 00:00:00

Certificate of Achievement

Learners will get an certificate of achievement directly at their doorstep after successfully completing the course!

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CPD Accredited Certification

Upon successfully completing the course, you will be qualified for CPD Accredited Certificate. Certification is available –

Course Info

3 Enrolled
  • IT & Software
  • 1 year
  • Number of Units55
  • Number of Quizzes0
  • 8 hours, 58 minutes