About This Course
Course Curriculum
Module 01: Course Introduction
Module 01: Software Installation
00:02:00 -
Module 02: Hello World Program
00:06:00 -
Module 03: Input and Output
00:07:00 -
Module 04: Calculating Average of 5 Numbers
Module 01: If Loop In Python
00:06:00 -
Module 02: Program Using If Else part 1
00:03:00 -
Module 03: Program Using If Else part 2
00:08:00 -
Module 04: Program for Calculator
00:02:00 -
Module 05: Program Using For Loop
00:08:00 -
Module 06: For Table
00:05:00 -
Module 07: For loop and Mathematical Operator in Python
00:04:00 -
Module 08: Factorial of Number Using Python
00:06:00 -
Module 09: Program Using While
00:05:00 -
Module 10: While Loop Example
00:07:00 -
Module 11: Tasks for Practice
Module 01: Importing Library in Python
Module 01: Rock Paper and Scissor Game
Module 01: Program Using String part 1
00:05:00 -
Module 02: Program using String 2
00:06:00 -
Module 03: Program Using String 3
00:06:00 -
Module 04: Program Using String part 4
Module 01: Use of Date and Time part 1
00:05:00 -
Module 02: Use of Date and Time part 2
Module 01: File Handling Part 1
00:08:00 -
Module 02: File Handling Part 2
Module 01: Tuple in Python Part 1
00:10:00 -
Module 02: Tuple in Python Part 2
00:07:00 -
Module 03: Using Lists part 1
00:07:00 -
Module 04: Using List part 2
00:12:00 -
Module 05: Using Lists part 3
00:06:00 -
Module 06: Using Lists part 4
00:08:00 -
Module 07: Using Lists part 5
00:02:00 -
Module 08: Use of Dictionary Part 1
00:04:00 -
Module 09: Use of Dictionary Part 2
00:05:00 -
Module 10: Use of Dictionary Part 3
00:08:00 -
Module 11: Use of Dictionary Part 4
Module 01: Function in Python Part 1
00:06:00 -
Module 02: Function in Python Part 2
00:05:00 -
Module 03: Function in Python Part 3
00:04:00 -
Module 04: Function in Python Part 4
00:07:00 -
Module 05: Function in Python Part 5
Module 01: Send Email
Module 01: Import Study part 1
00:07:00 -
Module 02: Import Study part 2
Module 01: Importing OS
00:06:00 -
Module 02: Import Platform
Module 01: Exception in Python part 1
00:11:00 -
Module 02: Exception in Python part 2
00:07:00 -
Module 03: Exception in Python part 3
Module 01: Installing Packages using built in package manager
00:08:00 -
Module 02: Scheduler in Python
Module 01: Data Base 1
00:08:00 -
Module 02: Data Base 2
00:09:00 -
Module 03: Data Base 3
00:08:00 -
Module 04: Data base 4
00:07:00 -
Module 05: Data Base 5
Module 01: IDE_1
00:05:00 -
Module 02: IDE_2
Module 01: Conclusion
Resources – Diploma in Python Programming
Assignment – Diploma in Python Programming
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