About This Course
Course Curriculum
Good Writing Is Essential00:04:00
Parts of Speech00:20:00
Text: Parts of Speech – The Names For the Different Groups of Words01:30:00
The Sentence00:22:00
Text: The Sentence01:40:00
Text: Direct and Indirect Objects00:35:00
Coordination & Subordination00:28:00
Text: Coordination and Subordination01:00:00
The Passive Voice00:08:00
Text: Sentence Fragments – Don’t Leave Pieces of Your Sentence Lying Around00:55:00
The Run-on and the Comma-splice Sentences00:14:00
Run-on Sentences & Comma Splices00:45:00
Text: Verbs Tell Time02:35:00
Past/Present Confusion00:04:00
Subject Verb Agreement00:37:00
Text: Subject-verb Agreement: they “Go Together”01:55:00
The Progressive00:20:00
Text: Nouns – Naming All the Things That Make Up Our World01:25:00
When Pronouns Go Bad (Pronoun Errors)00:30:00
Who, Whom and Whatever Else00:32:00
Text: Pronouns02:10:00
Adjectives: they Change Nouns00:39:00
Adverbs: they ‘add’ To Verbs00:22:00
Text: Adjectives and Adverbs01:10:00
Text: Prepositions00:25:00
The Comma Rules00:29:00
Text: Comma and Other Punctuation02:15:00