About This Course
Course Curriculum
Getting started on Windows, macOS, and Linux00:01:00
How to ask great questions00:02:00
Installing Python00:07:00
Installing PyCharm IDE for development00:12:00
Creating the first Python project00:09:00
Write and Run Hello World program00:05:00
Command line basics00:06:00
Installation and access pip command00:10:00
Introduction to web framework and Django00:04:00
Installing Django and setting up a project00:07:00
Installing Django and setting up a project00:07:00
Understanding Django architecture and structured00:08:00
Creating a simple Django app00:06:00
Introduction to PostgreSQL and its advantages for web applications00:04:00
Installing PostgreSQL and setting up a database00:13:00
pgAdmin Secure login and create database00:10:00
Connection Django to PostgreSQL00:09:00
Creating a Basic HTTP view method request00:04:00
URL pattern on app00:05:00
Include apps to project urls00:05:00
Installing the psycopg2 module for DB connection00:05:00
Defining models and creating database tables00:08:00
Using Djangos built-in ORM to interact with the database00:05:00
Migration to create DB tables00:06:00
Assessment Test00:01:00
Solution for an Assessment Test00:04:00
Creating Superuser as Admin00:07:00
Authentication and Authorization00:03:00
User access permissions00:04:00
Registering user models to the admin Dashboard00:04:00
Creating data using CRUD functionality00:05:00
View data on the PostgreSQL database table00:04:00
Understanding the MVC00:05:00
Creating views and handling HTTP requests and rendering templates00:10:00
Creating a template with HTML page00:10:00
Building dynamic form and handling00:10:00
Creating Bootstrap template00:06:00
Applying Bootstrap to Django form00:04:00
Creating Stunning Product Card items00:09:00
Creating model00:04:00
Creating forms00:03:00
Creating views00:07:00
Applying ORM – migrations00:03:00
Creating my_form template00:05:00
Adding urls00:03:00
Creating success_view template00:04:00
Project urls update and adding Installed apps00:02:00
Run project and submit data to database00:06:00
Creating report_view method00:03:00
Creating report_template00:03:00
Update urls pattern00:02:00
Run project and test reports00:03:00