About This Course
Course Curriculum
Module 01: Introduction00:01:00
Module 02: Who is this course for?00:01:00
Module 03: What Will I Learn from this Course?00:01:00
Module 04: What is CSharp (C#)?00:01:00
Module 05: What is AutoCAD .NET API?00:01:00
Module 06: What are the advantages of programming in AutoCAD .NET API?00:02:00
Module 01: Section Overview00:01:00
Module 02:.NET Framework Architecture Overview00:03:00
Module 03: .NET Framework Class Library, Common Type System, Common Language Runtime00:03:00
Module 04: More about.NET Framework Common Language Runtime (CLR)00:02:00
Module 05: Visual Studio 2017 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)00:03:00
Module 06: Visual Studio 2017 IDE Demo00:07:00
Module 01: Section Overview00:03:00
Module 02: DataTypes and Variables – Value Types (signed/unsigned integers)00:04:00
Module 03: DataTypes and Variables – Signed and Unsigned Integer Demo00:06:00
Module 04: DataTypes and Variables – Floating Point and Decimal00:02:00
Module 05: DataTypes and Variables – Floating Point and Decimal Demo00:04:00
Module 06: DataTypes and Variables – Boolean00:03:00
Module 07: DataTypes and Variables – Reference Types00:03:00
Module 08: DataTypes and Variables – Class Type00:03:00
Module 09: DataTypes and Variables – Class Type – Demo00:11:00
Module 10: DataTypes and Variables – Interface Type00:01:00
Module 11: DataTypes and Variables – Array Type00:02:00
Module 12: DataTypes and Variables – Array Type – Demo (Single Dimension)00:08:00
Module 13: DataTypes and Variables – Array Type – Demo (Multi Dimension)00:10:00
Module 14: C# Operators Overview00:02:00
Module 15: C# Assignment Operators00:03:00
Module 16: C# Assignment Operators – Demo00:06:00
Module 17: C# Unary Operators00:02:00
Module 18: C# Unary Operators – Demo00:02:00
Module 19: C# Primary Operators00:03:00
Module 20: C# Primary Operators – Demo00:07:00
Module 21: C# Equality Operators00:01:00
Module 22: C# Equality Operators – Demo00:02:00
Module 23: C# Additive Operators00:02:00
Module 24: C# Additive Operators – Demo00:01:00
Module 25: C# Multiplicative Operators00:01:00
Module 26: C# Multiplicative Operators – Demo00:01:00
Module 27: C# – Relational and Type Operators00:04:00
Module 28: C# – Logical, Conditional and Null Operators00:04:00
Module 29: C# – Logical, Conditional and Null Operators – Demo00:07:00
Module 30: C# Keywords (Reserved Words)00:04:00
Module 31: C# – Conditionals Overview00:01:00
Module 32: C# Conditionals – If-Then-Else Statement00:03:00
Module 33: C# Conditionals – If-Then-Else Statement – Demo00:07:00
Module 34: C# Conditionals – Switch Statement00:03:00
Module 35: C# Conditionals – Switch Statement – Demo00:04:00
Module 36: C# – Loops Overview00:04:00
Module 37: C# Loops – For Loop00:02:00
Module 38: C# Loops – For Loop – Demo00:02:00
Module 39: C# Loops – Foreach Loop00:02:00
Module 40: C# Loops – Foreach Loop – Demo00:05:00
Module 41: C# Loops – While Loop00:02:00
Module 42: C# Loops – While Loop – Demo00:02:00
Module 43: C# Loops – Do While Loop00:02:00
Module 44: C# Loops – Do While Loop – Demo00:03:00
Module 45: Modifiers Overview00:04:00
Module 46: Debugging Overview00:03:00
Module 47: Debugging – Demo 100:05:00
Module 48: Debugging – Demo 200:12:00
Module 49: Debugging – Demo 300:06:00
Module 50: Error and Exception Handling – Overview00:02:00
Module 51: ExceptionHandling – Demo 100:07:00
Module 52: ExceptionHandling – Demo 200:07:00
Module 53: ExceptionHandling – Demo 300:13:00
Module 54: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP)00:04:00
Module 55: OOP – Encapsulation – Demo (Part 1)00:11:00
Module 56: OOP – Encapsulation – Demo (Part 2)00:12:00
Module 57: OOP – Inheritance – Demo (Part 1)00:07:00
Module 58: OOP – Inheritance – Demo (Part 2)00:05:00
Module 59: OOP – Polymorphism – Demo (Part 1)00:10:00
Module 60: OOP – Polymorphism – Demo (Part 2)00:03:00
Module 01: AutoCAD .NET API – Overview00:01:00
Module 02: AutoCAD .NET API Assemblies00:02:00
Module 03: Using AutoCAD .NET API in C# – Hello AutoCAD Demo Part 100:12:00
Module 04: Using AutoCAD .NET API in C# – Hello AutoCAD Demo – Part 200:04:00
Module 05: AutoCAD .NET API Object Hierarchy00:03:00
Module 06: AutoCAD .NET API – Application Object Overview00:03:00
Module 07: AutoCAD .NET API – Document Object Overview00:03:00
Module 08: AutoCAD .NET API – Database Object Overview00:03:00
Module 01: Creating AutoCAD Objects using AutoCAD .NET API – Overview00:01:00
Module 02: Creating a Line Object – Lab (Part 1)00:14:00
Module 03: Creating a Line Object – Lab (Part 2)00:03:00
Module 04: Creating a MText Object – Lab00:10:00
Module 05: Creating a Circle Object – Lab00:07:00
Module 06: Creating an Arc Object – Lab00:05:00
Module 07: Creating a LWPolyline Object – Lab00:05:00
Module 01: Manipulate AutoCAD Objects – Overview00:01:00
Module 02: Copy Object using C# – Theory00:01:00
Module 03: Copy Object using C# – Lab (Part 1)00:11:00
Module 04: Copy Object using C# – Lab (Part 2)00:02:00
Module 05: Copy multiple objects using C# – Lab (Part 1)00:09:00
Module 06: Copy multiple objects using C# – Lab (Part 2)00:01:00
Module 07: Erase Object using C# – Lab (Part 1)00:06:00
Module 08: Erase Object using C# – Lab (Part 2)00:05:00
Module 09: Move Object using C# – Lab (Part 1)00:06:00
Module 10: Move Object using C# – Lab (Part 2)00:02:00
Module 11: Mirror Object using C# – Lab (Part 1)00:10:00
Module 12: Mirror Object using C# – Lab (Part 2)00:02:00
Module 13: Rotate Object using C# – Lab (Part 1)00:07:00
Module 14: Rotate Object using C# – Lab (Part 2)00:03:00
Module 15: Scale Object using C# – Lab00:05:00
Module 16: Copy Object Exercise00:02:00
Module 17: Copy Object Solution00:06:00
Module 18: Erase Object Exercise00:02:00
Module 19: Erase Object Solution00:07:00
Module 20: Move Object Exercise00:02:00
Module 21: Move Object Solution00:06:00
Module 22: Mirror Object Exercise00:02:00
Module 23: Mirror Object Solution00:06:00
Module 24: Rotate Object Exercise00:02:00
Module 25: Rotate Object Solution00:06:00
Module 26: Scale Object Exercise00:01:00
Module 27: Scale Object Solution00:05:00
Module 01: Exploring AutoCAD Dictionaries – Layers Overview00:03:00
Module 02: Listing all the Layers in the drawing using C#00:11:00
Module 03: Creating a Layer in AutoCAD using C#00:09:00
Module 04: Updating a Layer in AutoCAD using C#00:09:00
Module 05: Turning the Layer On/Off in AutoCAD using C#00:05:00
Module 06: Thawing/Freezing Layer in AutoCAD using C#00:04:00
Module 07: Deleting a Layer in AutoCAD using C#00:03:00
Module 08: Locking/UnLocking a Layer in AutoCAD using C#00:05:00
Module 09: Assigning a Layer to an AutoCAD object using C#00:03:00
Module 10: Exploring AutoCAD Dictionaries – LineTypes Overview00:01:00
Module 11: Listing all the LineTypes in the drawing using C#00:07:00
Module 12: Loading a LineType in the drawing using C#00:07:00
Module 13: Setting the Current LineType in AutoCAD using C#00:03:00
Module 14: Deleting a LineType in AutoCAD using C#00:03:00
Module 15: Setting a LineType to an object using C#00:04:00
Module 16: Exploring AutoCAD Dictionaries – TextStyles Overview00:01:00
Module 17: Listing all the TextStyles in the drawing using C#00:08:00
Module 18: Updating current TextStyle Font in AutoCAD using C#00:10:00
Module 19: Setting the Current TextStyle in AutoCAD using C#00:08:00
Module 20: Setting a TextStyle to an object using C#00:04:00
Module 01: User Input Functions Overview00:01:00
Module 02: Using GetString Method – Lab (Part 1)00:13:00
Module 03: Using GetString Method – Lab (Part 2)00:10:00
Module 04: Using GetPoint Method – Lab00:12:00
Module 05: Using GetDistance Method – Lab00:04:00
Module 06: Using GetKeyWords Method – Lab (Part 1)00:12:00
Module 07: Using GetKeyWords Method – Lab (Part 2)00:02:00
Module 01: Selection Sets and Filters – Overview00:02:00
Module 02: Using SelectAll Method – Lab (Part 1)00:11:00
Module 03: Using SelectAll Method – Lab (Part 2)00:02:00
Module 04: Using SelectOnScreen Method – Lab (Part 1)00:06:00
Module 05: Using SelectOnScreen Method – Lab (Part 2)00:01:00
Module 06: Using SelectWindow Method – Lab00:08:00
Module 07: Using SelectCrossingWindow Method – Lab00:08:00
Module 08: Using SelectFence Method – Lab00:08:00
Module 09: Using PickFirstSelection Method – Lab00:11:00
Module 10: Using SelectionSet Filters – Overview00:01:00
Module 11: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting Lines00:09:00
Module 12: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting MTexts Lab00:07:00
Module 13: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting Polylines Lab00:03:00
Module 14: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting Blocks (FrenchDoors) Lab00:07:00
Module 15: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting Blocks (BiFoldDoors) Lab00:04:00
Module 16: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting objects in a Layer (Walls) Lab00:07:00
Module 17: Using SelectionSet Filters – Selecting all objects in a Layer (Stairs) Lab00:05:00
Module 18: Using SelectionSets and Filters – Exercises00:02:00
Module 01: TitleBlock Project – Overview00:05:00
Module 02: Creating Project and TBlock Class – Lab00:14:00
Module 03: Creating Classes for each Paper Sizes – Lab00:07:00
Module 04: Creating TitleBlock Class – Lab00:14:00
Module 05: Handling User Selected Paper Size – Lab00:05:00
Module 06: Creating the TitleBlock Border Lines – Lab00:06:00
Module 07: Creating the Horizontal Partition Lines – Lab (Part 1)00:11:00
Module 08: Creating the Horizontal Partition Lines – Lab (Part 2)00:05:00
Module 09: Creating Vertical Partition Lines – Lab00:11:00
Module 10: Project Check on the Partition Lines – Lab00:07:00
Module 11: Creating the TitleBlock Labels – Lab (Part 1)00:10:00
Module 12: Creating the TitleBlock Labels – Lab (Part 2)00:09:00
Module 13: Creating the TitleBlock Labels – Lab (Part 3)00:11:00
Module 14: Project Check on the Labels00:07:00
Module 15: Creating Drawing Information Texts00:08:00
Module 16: Debugging the TitleBlock Project – Lab00:10:00
Module 17: Completing and Running the TitleBlock Plugin00:05:00
Module 18: Audit Drawing Project – Overview00:02:00
Module 19: Audit Drawing Project – Demo00:07:00
Module 20: Creating the AuditDrawing Project00:11:00
Module 21: Creating the AuditDrawing DisplayOnScreen Method00:14:00
Module 22: Creating the AuditDrawing Write to TXT File Method00:08:00
Module 23: Creating the AuditDrawing Write to CSV File Method00:06:00
Module 24: Creating the AuditDrawing Write to HTML File Method00:14:00
Module 25: AuditDrawing Plugin Demo00:04:00
Module 26: Creating the AuditBlock Method00:05:00
Module 27: Creating the AuditBlock GatherBlocksAndCount Method00:16:00
Module 28: Creating the AuditBlock DisplayOnScreen Method00:06:00
Module 29: Creating the AuditBlock WriteToTXTFile Method00:05:00
Module 30: Creating the AuditBlock WriteToCSVFile Method00:05:00
Module 31: Creating the AuditBlock WriteToHTMLFile Method00:07:00
Module 32: AuditBlock Completed Component – Demo00:12:00
Module 01: Conclusion00:01:00