About This Course
Course Curriculum
Presentation of the Course00:03:00
Course Structure00:04:00
Introduction to Airplanes and their Main Elements00:06:00
General Aviation00:04:00
Commercial Aviation00:04:00
Military Aircraft00:06:00
Airplane Forces and Trajectory00:07:00
Lift and Drag: Newton’s 3rd Law and Bernoulli00:16:00
3D Wings Lift and Drag00:18:00
High Lift Devices00:15:00
Turbulence and Stall00:13:00
Engines Overview00:06:00
Turbines and Nozzles00:05:00
TurboJet vs. Turbofan Review00:21:00
Gravity Center and Pressure Center: Stability00:13:00
Control Surfaces of an Aircraft and Maneuvers00:10:00
Definition of Weights00:08:00
Range of an Aircraft as function of Weight00:14:00
Optimization of Range – Breguet Equations00:17:00
Assignment -Aircraft and Airplane Engineering: Basic to Advanced