About This Course
Course Curriculum
Home Base00:06:00
Start Now00:07:00
Know Your Numbers00:06:00
Audience Relationships 10100:06:00
Authority by Association00:05:00
Value, Value, Value00:05:00
Build your list00:08:00
Create Products00:06:00
Where the heck is the money?00:01:00
The Secret to Scaling00:04:00
How the heck do I get started?00:06:00
Find a high converting product on Munch Eye00:01:00
Contact the product creator and get the Sales Page and product access00:04:00
Go through the product and make a quick presell video prior to launch00:05:00
Make a 5-10 minute review video showing the sales page and product00:04:00
Show the review to the product creator and ask if you can add a bonus00:06:00
Send the presell video to your list the night before00:02:00
Send your review video to your list when the product launches00:04:00
Taking It To The Next Level00:04:00
Assignment -Affiliate Marketing Secrets: Earn Big Reviewing Products