About This Course
Course Curriculum
Introduction to the Alkane Series00:04:00
Conjugation and Homologous Series of the Alkane00:04:00
Nomenclature of the Alkane Series00:02:00
Chemistry of the Alkane Series00:02:00
Relevance and Importance of the Alkene Family00:01:00
Section Wrap Up00:01:00
Introduction to the Alkene series00:04:00
Nomenclature of the Alkene Series00:02:00
Chemistry of the Alkene Series00:02:00
Relevance and Importance of the Alkene Family00:01:00
Section Wrap Up00:01:00
Introduction to the Alkanol Series00:04:00
Nomenclature of the Alkanol Series00:03:00
Chemistry of the Alkanol Series00:03:00
Relevance and Importance of the Alkanol Family00:01:00
Section Wrap Up00:01:00
Introduction to the Alkyne Series00:06:00
Nomenclature of the Alkyne Series00:03:00
Chemistry of the Alkene Series00:02:00
Importance and Relevance of the Alkene Family00:01:00
Section Wrap Up00:01:00
Introduction to the Alkanals/Aldehydes and Ketones/Alkanones Family00:02:00
Nomenclature Galore00:08:00
Nomenclature Continued00:08:00
Nomenclature Continued00:05:00
Assignment – Organic Chemistry