Cultural Anthropology: Explore the Arts

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Cultural Anthropology: Explore the Arts

See the Curriculum Section for materials and enjoy learning with Imperial Academy.

Course Curriculum

Unit 01: Introduction
Welcome to Class 00:01:00
What is Anthropology? 00:04:00
Understanding Other Cultures 00:05:00
Why Study the Arts? 00:03:00
Unit 02: Art & Culture
Introduction 00:01:00
What is Art? 00:05:00
Art & Culture 00:05:00
Functions of Art 00:06:00
Conclusion 00:01:00
Assignment 00:01:00
Answer 00:03:00
Unit 03: Visual Arts
Introduction 00:01:00
Visual Art 00:08:00
Rock Art 00:05:00
Body Arts 00:08:00
Graffiti 00:06:00
Conclusion 00:01:00
Assignment 00:01:00
Answer 00:03:00
Unit 04: Verbal Art
Introduction 00:01:00
Myths 00:04:00
Legends 00:03:00
Tales 00:04:00
Conclusion 00:01:00
Assignment 00:01:00
Answer 00:02:00
Unit 05: Music & Dance
Introduction 00:02:00
Why Do We Have Music? 00:05:00
Creation and Function of Music 00:07:00
Dance & Culture 00:04:00
Functions of Dance 00:04:00
Conclusion 00:01:00
Assignment 00:01:00
Answer 00:02:00
Unit 06: Theatre
Introduction 00:02:00
Theatre & Media 00:02:00
Theatre & Performers 00:03:00
Theatre & Content 00:02:00
Theatre & Audience Role 00:02:00
Conclusion 00:02:00
Assignment 00:01:00
Answer 00:02:00
Unit 07: Conclusion
Course Summary 00:06:00
Real-World Connections 00:02:00
Be Like an Anthropologist! 00:03:00
Congratulations! 00:01:00
Bonus Lecture 00:01:00
Resources – Cultural Anthropology: Explore the Arts 00:00:00
Assignment – Cultural Anthropology: Explore the Arts 00:00:00

Certificate of Achievement

Learners will get an certificate of achievement directly at their doorstep after successfully completing the course!

It should also be noted that international students must pay £10 for shipping cost.

CPD Accredited Certification

Upon successfully completing the course, you will be qualified for CPD Accredited Certificate. Certification is available –

Course Info

1 Enrolled
  • Personal Development
  • Teaching & Academics
  • 1 year
  • Number of Units49
  • Number of Quizzes0
  • 2 hours, 19 minutes