About This Course
Course Curriculum
1.1 Intro00:03:00
1.2 Install the Tools and Get Started00:05:00
2.1 Intro to HTML00:01:00
2.2 What is HTML00:11:00
2.3 Start a New HTML File & Use Tags00:12:00
2.4 Header Tags00:05:00
2.5 Edit Text00:09:00
2.6 Links00:09:00
2.7 Images00:10:00
2.8 Lists00:04:00
2.9 Challenge 100:16:00
2.10 HTML Outro00:01:00
3.1 CSS Intro00:04:00
3.2 Add CSS Styles00:16:00
3.3 Classes and IDs00:07:00
3.4 Borders00:06:00
3.5 Sizing00:04:00
3.6 Padding and Margin00:07:00
3.7 Text Styles00:04:00
3.8 DIVs00:08:00
3.9 Postioning00:08:00
3.10 Hover00:03:00
3.11 Easily Center Elements00:02:00
3.12 Fonts00:06:00
3.13 Challenge00:23:00
3.14 CSS Outro00:01:00
4.1 Intro to Bootstrap00:02:00
4.2 Install Bootstrap00:10:00
4.3 Indenting and Containers00:07:00
4.4 The Grid System00:16:00
4.5 Images00:07:00
4.6 Buttons00:06:00
4.7 Challenge 300:11:00
4.8 Bootstrap Outro00:01:00
5.1 Landing Page Intro00:01:00
5.2 Sketch Your Landing Page00:05:00
5.3 The Top Section00:16:00
5.4 Polish the Top Section00:06:00
5.5 Adding Images00:11:00
5.6 The Main Points Section00:14:00
5.7 Collecting Emails With an Opt-In Form00:11:00
5.8 Challenge 400:03:00
5.9 Landing Page Outro00:02:00
6.1 Business Site Intro00:01:00
6.2 Sketch Up00:03:00
6.3 Using Fancy Font Logo00:07:00
6.4 Carousel Basics00:10:00
6.5 Carousel Extras00:09:00
6.6 Text on Images00:15:00
6.7 Phone Number Icon00:04:00
6.8 Google Maps00:13:00
6.9 Font Awesome00:09:00
6.10 Challenge 400:08:00
6.11 Business Site Outro00:01:00
7.1 Intro00:01:00
7.2 Portfolio Sketch00:08:00
7.3 Jumbotron00:10:00
7.4 Nav Bar00:24:00
7.5 Panels00:11:00
7.6 Challenge 500:13:00
7.7 Portfolio Outre00:01:00
8.1 Hosting00:01:00
8.2 Bluehost00:06:00
8.3 Uploading00:05:00
8.4 Tips00:11:00
8.5 Hosting Outro00:01:00