About This Course
Course Curriculum
Promo Video00:01:00
What is Psychology00:10:00
The Biological Approach00:10:00
Behaviourist and Cognitive Approaches00:10:00
Person-Centred Approaches00:08:00
Research Methods in Psychology00:12:00
Debates in Psychology00:13:00
Social Influence: Compliance, Obedience and Conformity00:10:00
Social Cognition00:09:00
Applied Social Psychology00:10:00
Remembering (Memory)00:10:00
Forgetting (Memory)00:07:00
Thinking (Cognition)00:07:00
Problem-Solving and Artificial Intelligence00:09:00
Issues in Child Development00:05:00
Cognitive Development00:07:00
The Development of Language and Communication00:06:00
Social Perception (Interpersonal Perception)00:06:00
Moral Development00:09:00
The definition and Diagnosis of Atypical (Abnormal) Behaviour00:07:00
Treatments of atypical (abnormal) behaviour00:07:00
Emotional disorders00:05:00
Research Methods00:06:00
Research Issues00:06:00
Data Analysis00:07:00
Thank You and Good Bye!00:02:00