About This Course
Course Curriculum
Module 01: Introduction00:05:00
Module 02: About Me00:03:00
Module 01: Container Overview00:02:00
Module 02: What are containers?00:02:00
Module 03: Containers Vs Virtual Machines00:02:00
Module 04: Containers inside virtual machines00:02:00
Module 05: Developers Vs Ops Team00:02:00
Module 06: Docker Image Vs Containers00:02:00
Module 07 Installation Steps deertr00:05:00
Module 08: Docker Options00:10:00
Module 09: Hands on with Docker00:14:00
Module 01: Creating First Docker File00:07:00
Module 02: Docker Build00:05:00
Module 03 Docker Run00:05:00
Module 04: Docker Run complex HTML site00:06:00
Module 01: Docker commands like ps, ps-a, start, stop00:03:00
Module 02: Docker containers and images cleanup00:08:00
Module 01: Docker Pull00:02:00
Module 02: Docker Run00:03:00
Module 03: Docker Logs00:02:00
Module 04: Docker Inspect00:02:00
Module 05: Docker Stats00:02:00
Docker File Instructions00:02:00
Docker File overview for DotNet App00:04:00
Docker File overview for Angular App00:02:00
Console App example using STDIN example00:06:00
Running Console App using Dockerfile00:04:00
Command Vs Entrypoint00:03:00
Running ASP.NET Core app using Dockerfile00:04:00
Verifying Files uploaded in docker container00:03:00
Debugging Docker Container00:06:00
Running Angular app in a container00:09:00
Verifying files in angular container00:03:00
Creating Docker Compose file00:06:00
Running Docker Compose00:05:00
Docker Network Creation00:08:00
Creating Container for SQL Server00:06:00
Connecting Dotnet app with SQL Container00:05:00
Adding Docker Compose00:07:00
Dotnet App failing to connect with SQL Server container00:04:00
SQL Container connected with Dotnet app00:02:00
Volume with SQL Container00:09:00
Project Setup00:03:00
Docker File Creation00:07:00
Running On HTTP00:04:00
Dev Certificate Creation00:04:00
Running the container00:03:00
Tye build00:02:00
Tye run00:04:00
Creating Frontend App using Razor Template00:04:00
Creating Backend App using Web API Template00:04:00
Adding Service Discovery00:05:00
Tye Run with Backend and Frontend Projects00:04:00
Adding Redis00:11:00
Tye Run with Redis00:04:00
Pushing the image on DockerHub00:05:00
Azure Container Registry (ACR) creation00:03:00
Push images to Azure Container Registry (ACR)00:05:00
Spinning up Azure Container Instances using Azure Container Registry Images00:05:00
Another way of creating Azure Container Instances00:04:00
Consuming ACI endpoint in angular app00:06:00
Deploying container to web app00:04:00
Workfile creation00:04:00
Adding steps to login into ACR00:06:00
Docker build and push step00:04:00
Build failure00:05:00
Fixed the Issue and Deployed to ACR00:04:00
SQL Server container preparation00:03:00
SQL Server container creation00:04:00
Connect to SQL Container and publish database schema00:07:00
Thank You00:02:00
Assignment – Docker for .Net and Angular Developers